
Manuscript Evaluation

Your first (or second or thirtieth) draft is done at last. Bravo!!! You're probably wondering what your next steps should be. This is the perfect time to seek out a manuscript evaluation. I'll give you my honest impressions of your novel, including whether you might be a better fit for indie or traditional publishing, and provide you with a detailed overview of changes you can make to take your manuscript to the next level. I will also annotate your ms. with notes suggesting how you might best implement my advice.

Developmental Editing

If you're ready to publish or submit your manuscript to agents and editors, you are likely in need of a development edit. Together, we'll ensure your characters are round, your plot is free of holes, and your story is told in compulsively readable prose. As part of a developmental edit, I will write you an editorial letter that addresses any larger issues in the manuscript (including plot holes, pacing, character issues, etc.) and offers possible solutions. In addition, I will complete a thorough line edit, increasing the manuscript's readability and flow by reworking confusing and awkward writing, correcting grammar mistakes, and eliminating repetitive material. I will also annotate your ms. with notes suggesting how you might best implement my bigger picture advice. I offer one-round and two-round developmental edits.

Please contact me for information about my rates. I'm always happy to do a complimentary 3-5 page sample edit for first-time clients.